Actionable Knowledge for Tackling Climate Change!

Time to Sell Your Property to Avoid Sea Level Rise Risk?

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  • Author

    Dr. Mark C. Trexler

  • Level
    Basic to Intermediate
  • Study time
  • Video time
    ~1 Hour
  • Exams

Risk-Informed Decision-Making When it Comes to Buying or Selling Coastal Real Estate

There's a Huge Amount We Know About Sea Level Rise!

We'll cover these known knowns, and explore why there is no such thing as "average" global sea level rise.

But There Are BIG Uncertainties (and Risks)

We know the world's ice is melting, but how fast will it melt?  That's the trillion dollar question that we'll explore in depth. 

Making Your Risk Adversity Critical to Decision-Making

The more explicitly you consider your risk adversity, the more robust your real estate decision-making will be.

A Real Estate Tipping Point is Virtually Inevitable

At some point everyone will decide it's time to go, and many real estate markets will collapse.  Will you get out before that? 

How Big Are the Risks, Both Direct AND Indirect?

The real estate value at risk from sea level rise is very substantial, and could lead to broader and more damaging secondary impacts.

Are There Related Risks to Real Estate Markets?

Climate change is rapidly increasing the risks of river flooding, threatening riparian real estate. Not to mention fire risk, and the implications of disappearing winters for sk. 

What  Students  Say About Our Courses

I learned more from Mark's course on sea level rise than I did attending a two-day conference on the topic. Highly recommend him!

Joyce Coffee
Climate Resilience Consulting 

Trexler's work, as supplemented by the Climate Web and its resources, offers the most balanced and comprehensive basis for business risk assessment and risk management available. 

Dr. George Backus
Risk Expert
Sandia National Labs

I finished the amazing course about Climate Risk by Mark Trexler! Such an insightful course to deepen the understanding of climate change-related societal and business risks and how to manage them!

Lucianno Noezzi Noel

Meet the instructor

Mark Trexler

Dr. Mark C. Trexler has more than 30 years of climate change experience, has advised corporate and government clients around the world on climate change risk and risk management, and is co-developer of the Climate Web collective climate intelligence.

Mark joined the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC, in 1988, has served as a lead author and editor for the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) , founded the first U.S. climate risk advisory firm, and served as Director of Climate Risk for the global risk management firm of DNV. 

Mark is widely published on climate change topics, particularly those relating to carbon offsets and societal risk, and co-authored the first business climate risk textbook for the London School of Economics in 2011.

Mark has lived around the world, speaks five languages, and holds advanced degrees from the University of California at Berkeley. He is based in beautiful Portland, Oregon, and is the proud father of two sons and two German Shepherds.    
Patrick Jones - Course author
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